kultura sjećanja

| culture of remembrance |

kultura sjećanja

| culture of remembrance |


Sanski Most, Došci-Gornji Kamengrad – Destroyed Mosque

Mjesto/lokacija: Harem of the "Colourful Mosque", Došci-Gornji Kamengrad Jamaat, Sanski Most Islamic Community Majlis

Entitet: Federation of Bosnia and Hezegovina

Godina izgradnje: 2000

Tekst na spomeniku:

"And who are more unjust
than those who prevent
the name of Allah
from being mentioned in His mosques
and strive toward
their destruction"
Al-Baqarah 114

Built in 1966
and destroyed on 27 March 1993 at 19:15
by Serb neighbours
May this toppled minaret
serve future generations
as an eternal lesson

Došci – Donji Kamengrad

U sjećanje na:

Destruction of religious buildings. Twenty-seven mosques, three masjids, one turbeh and musalla were destroyed in the area of Sanski Most in 1992.

Etnička grupa: Bosniaks

O izboru lokacije:

The location is the harem-courtyard of a religious building in front of the ruins of the mosque. The monument, remains of the destroyed mosque, was transferred from the old site of the mosque 500 m away

Dimenzije spomenika: Cca diameter: 2.00 m x 4.00 m

Spomenik podigli:

The monument was erected by the local community during construction of the new mosque, at the initiative of Ilijaz Ramić, Chairman of the Mosque Construction Committee, with material and technical support from SFOR troops stationed in Donji Kamengrad.

Intervencije na spomeniku:

Conservation of the remains of the destroyed minaret carried out by the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage from Bihać.

Izvor podataka: Imam of the Jamaat Chairman of the Mosque and Monument Construction Committee , Local partners , Fieldwork

Fotografisano: 6 April 2013 and 1 January 2014


Sanski Most, Došci-Gornji Kamengrad – Destroyed Mosque

6 April 2013 and 1 January 2014

Sanski Most Sanski Most Sanski Most Sanski Most Sanski Most Sanski Most Sanski Most Sanski MostSanski Most


Sanski Most, Došci-Gornji Kamengrad – Destroyed Mosque

Mjesto/lokacija: Harem of the "Colourful Mosque", Došci-Gornji Kamengrad Jamaat, Sanski Most Islamic Community Majlis

Entitet: Federation of Bosnia and Hezegovina

Godina izgradnje: 2000

Tekst na spomeniku:

"And who are more unjust
than those who prevent
the name of Allah
from being mentioned in His mosques
and strive toward
their destruction"
Al-Baqarah 114

Built in 1966
and destroyed on 27 March 1993 at 19:15
by Serb neighbours
May this toppled minaret
serve future generations
as an eternal lesson

Došci – Donji Kamengrad

U sjećanje na:

Destruction of religious buildings. Twenty-seven mosques, three masjids, one turbeh and musalla were destroyed in the area of Sanski Most in 1992.

Etnička grupa: Bosniaks

O izboru lokacije:

The location is the harem-courtyard of a religious building in front of the ruins of the mosque. The monument, remains of the destroyed mosque, was transferred from the old site of the mosque 500 m away

Dimenzije spomenika: Cca diameter: 2.00 m x 4.00 m

Spomenik podigli:

The monument was erected by the local community during construction of the new mosque, at the initiative of Ilijaz Ramić, Chairman of the Mosque Construction Committee, with material and technical support from SFOR troops stationed in Donji Kamengrad.

Intervencije na spomeniku:

Conservation of the remains of the destroyed minaret carried out by the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage from Bihać.

Izvor podataka: Imam of the Jamaat Chairman of the Mosque and Monument Construction Committee , Local partners , Fieldwork

Fotografisano: 6 April 2013 and 1 January 2014
