kultura sjećanja
| culture of remembrance |
kultura sjećanja
| culture of remembrance |
Sarajevo Roses
Mjesto/lokacija: Multiple locations in the City of Sarajevo
Entitet: Federation of Bosnia and Hezegovina
Godina izgradnje: 1996
U sjećanje na:
All killed citizens of Sarajevo
Etnička grupa: miscellaneous
Žrtve su sa područja:
City of Sarajevo
O izboru lokacije:
Located at sites where shells exploded, killing citizens of Sarajevo.
Spomenik podigli:
Sarajevo Canton
Intervencije na spomeniku:
During the 2000s, citizens associations independently organised activities to mark the craters of "Sarajevo Roses" and repair those already marked. Current activities to replace the initial resin filling for the craters are run by the Sarajevo Canton Fund for the Protection and Maintenance of Shahid and Fallen Fighter Cemeteries, Memorial Centres and Memorials for Genocide Victims.
Druge informacije:
There is no official data on the number of "Sarajevo Roses". The Cantonal Institute for the Protection of Cultural, Historical and Natural Heritage of Sarajevo is responsible for their maintenance, however, some are destroyed during road works, while some "roses" are marked by citizens of their own initiative.
Izvor podataka: Cantonal Institute for the Protection of Cultural, Historical and Natural Heritage of Sarajevo, Fieldwork
Fotografisano: 2 November 2012
Sarajevo, Sarajevo Roses
Sarajevo Roses
Mjesto/lokacija: Multiple locations in the City of Sarajevo
Entitet: Federation of Bosnia and Hezegovina
Godina izgradnje: 1996
U sjećanje na:
All killed citizens of Sarajevo
Etnička grupa: miscellaneous
Žrtve su sa područja:
City of Sarajevo
O izboru lokacije:
Located at sites where shells exploded, killing citizens of Sarajevo.
Spomenik podigli:
Sarajevo Canton
Intervencije na spomeniku:
During the 2000s, citizens associations independently organised activities to mark the craters of "Sarajevo Roses" and repair those already marked. Current activities to replace the initial resin filling for the craters are run by the Sarajevo Canton Fund for the Protection and Maintenance of Shahid and Fallen Fighter Cemeteries, Memorial Centres and Memorials for Genocide Victims.
Druge informacije:
There is no official data on the number of "Sarajevo Roses". The Cantonal Institute for the Protection of Cultural, Historical and Natural Heritage of Sarajevo is responsible for their maintenance, however, some are destroyed during road works, while some "roses" are marked by citizens of their own initiative.
Izvor podataka: Cantonal Institute for the Protection of Cultural, Historical and Natural Heritage of Sarajevo, Fieldwork
Fotografisano: 2 November 2012